European Parliament

Internally, European Parliament website is called a galaxy of websites. Thousands of employees are involved in maintaining and evolving the site. As websites are often created ad hoc (e.g. for an upcoming campaign or election cycles), nobody truly knows how many websites are out there. Sometimes new websites are created for new events, or campaigns, or new political organizations or committees.

According to the EU Parl Sitemap, there are 98 websites, but according to the estimates, there are around 135-175 websites.

The European Parliament is a forum for political debate and decision-making at the EU level. The Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) are directly elected by voters in all Member States. They represent people’s interests with regard to EU law-making and to make sure other EU institutions are working democratically.


There are 2 types of users:

Current State of Things

It’s not surprising that most people arriving to the EU Parliament websites don’t come to engage with the institution. They are looking for very specific information, and once they find that information, they leave.

We conducted a Top Task Analysis Study, which has given us insights into the main tasks that internal and external users perform most frequently on the EP websites. We also learned how effective the platform currently is in helping users navigate to relevant pages and find documents related to their interests.

According to the study: